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Japanese Literature Challenge

With so much talk going on about Bellezza's Japanese Literature Challenge, I could not resist joining up. The challenge requires you to read only one work of Japanese origin by January 31, 2010. I think I can definitely meet that requirement, and hopefully a bit more.

I'm quite clueless about Japanese literature, the only books I've read would be Memoirs of a Geisha and Toto-Chan : The Girl In The Window which was part of my school syllabus. I do have a Murakami languishing in my book-shelves, and this challenge may be just the motivation I need to correct this gap in my reading.

My potential book list is:

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle By Harulki Murakami
A Pale View Of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro
Out by Natsuo Kirino
Hard Boiled / Hard Luck by Banana Yoshimoto

I am looking forward to this challenge. Thanks Bellezza for setting this up.



Paperback Reader said...

Swati, A Pale View of Hills is one I've been wanting to read but didn't add to my list as I don't have a copy at the moment. I look forward to you reading it and me doing so vicariously!

Unknown said...

Out is my all time favourite thriller. I hope that you enjoy reading it.

I love Japanese literature and hope to discover some great new authors with this challenge.

It is great to see you joining in.

Anonymous said...

Swati, I'm so glad that you joined, too! Lots and lots of people read "Out" last year. From what I remember, most of them loved it although a few were grossed out. I'm curious enough to pick it up myself. A Pale View of Hills has always intrigued me, too. I've only read Ishiguro's Remains of The Day many years ago. It will be so great to read your thoughts, and I welcome you!

Green Road said...

Thanks everyone for welcoming me. I've just ordered out from Amazon, so it will be my first read (I don't feel clever enough for Wind-Up Bird Chronicle at the moment).

Bellezza, I read the reviews from last year's challenge and Out seemed to be very popular, even among the ones who couldn't stomach the violence. I look forward to finding out for myself :)

Anonymous said...

So they tricked you into the JLC as well! ;)

I found A Pale View of Hills a beautiful story! I might be reading Ishiguro's The Unconsoled for this challenge. But I have many to choose from, so I might not get to it at all. To begin with I've started reading a bigraphical novel about the unwilling concubine of the 1st American consul in Japan (mid 1800's): Butterfly in the Wind, by Rei Kimura.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles is a GREAT read as well! More exuberant though, A Pale View of Hills is a 'quiet' story ;)

Enjoy the challenge!

Green Road said...

Hehe. Yes gnoegnoe I was tricked into it. My willpower is terrible when it comes to more books to read!

I'm glad you have good things to say about A Pale View Of The Hills and Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. I was too caught up in Persephone Week to make any headway on this challenge, but I'll be back on track in September.

By the way, the book you're reading now sounds fantastic. Is it fiction or non-fiction?